As a creative professional, as well as someone who has bought and sold many properties over the years, I have experienced this industry as buyer, seller and vendor. I have worked with agents in several markets both as a client and a photographer/videographer. Combined with my background as an award-winning Creative Director in advertising, I partner and provide value beyond beautiful imagery.
My goal is to help ensure your success in matching the right property with the right buyer by supplying you with stunning images and engaging ideas. I want to make this process as easy and effective as possible. I work with you to craft images that showcase each property as a distinct, memorable brand so they connect with buyers in powerful ways.
The onsite photo session is only the first step even though it is critical to get right. Post production magic adds a degree of polish and sophistication that really makes the difference between good and great imagery.
Agents are my clients and their clients in turn are my audience. My goal is to connect with that audience in ways that provide real value and get them to take some kind of action. I believe each home is an opportunity to communicate a unique narrative story through images and words in order to convey an emotional connection to the property. It’s a fact that most people make purchasing decisions based heavily on emotional reasons and then use facts, data and logic to back them up. I strive to create work that serves all these needs.
I to use all my skills as a photographer and creative problem-solver to showcase the seller’s property in the best possible light. And light really is the key to a great image. It starts with the actual photo shoot, but it doesn’t end there. Post production polish and best media display options are also critically important considerations, so I look for effective, innovative ways to showcase images.
With a bewildering profusion of properties for sale in a competitive landscape where time is a luxury, being able to quickly see whether or not a property for sale could be your next home is a huge benefit. Having beautiful, accurate images displayed in an attractive, accessible manner is key to solving this equation. By incorporating strong design principles, lighting, perspective and countless other variables into each shot, I ensure the right balance of aesthetics and accuracy.
Any professional photographer worth their salt will tell you that it’s all about the light. Good lighting is critical to creating great imagery with a camera. I take full advantage of the natural light and am a whiz at creating my own too. I use my camera to paint with light.
Whenever possible, I like to schedule photo shoots at more than one time of day in order to more fully express the aesthetic and narrative potential in any environment. Providing you with a greater range of images like this expands the narrative storytelling and expressive possibilities. This in turn helps prospective buyers envision themselves in that home. It promotes stronger emotional connections between buyers and their prospective new homes.

This photograph was taken in the afternoon during full sun conditions. Despite that, the overall tone of the color palette is cool. Think about what kind of feeling or emotional response you get from this photograph and then contrast with the one on the right.

This image was shot in the early evening with a longer exposure and purposeful use of artificial lighting. Notice the overall warm inviting tone and the feeling it invokes. Compare this emotional response to the one you get in the image at left.
Even the best photographs benefit from a little post-production polish. Color saturation and value, contrast, clarity and dozens of other variables can be improved and made more true to the actual experience of being on location. Because of limited interior space in most homes, wide angle lenses are most often used and these cause visual distortion, especially in strong vertical lines such as corners, doors and window frames. These are usually most obvious at the sides of the image. However, these distortions can be corrected and visual acuity restored via software in post-production processing.
I have been working with industry standard Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom since just after their introduction into the marketplace many years ago. I have been on the cutting edge of their evolution and grown with them every step of the way. In fact, I have been teaching courses and leading workshops in this software for well more than a decade. I have also authored popular online training courses that cover everything from field or location photography to complete post-production tools and techniques.

In this before image, the colors are muted, the overall values are too dark and the interior space lacks contrast and detail. Notice too, that the strong vertical lines on the window left background and the fireplace edge right foreground, are tilted at an angle due to lens distortion.

In this after image,the whole interior space is more fully saturated, crisp. clean and inviting. This not only looks infinitely more attractive and inviting, it is a much more accurate depiction of the home as someone would experience it in person. This better serves the interests of both buyer and seller.


Because of my background in creative direction and design, I just naturally tend to see things from various different perspectives and imagine what they would look like before ever actually seeing them through a viewfinder. Yes, absolutely I get all the standard perspectives and compositions, but then I take it much deeper trying to pull unique qualities out so that viewers want to engage fully with the space and environment.
Sometimes, an aerial perspective will really showcase a property the way few others will. For example, a property with a nice, but obstructed view can benefit tremendously from gaining a vantage point which demonstrates those qualities. A video that contains aerial footage has a powerful dynamic appeal for viewers the way few other images have. It’s not a substitute for great general purpose photography, but it can be a huge additional asset.

A powerful cinematic effect commonly used in big budget movies is an aerial fly-around used as an establishing shot. It helps provide context and set the stage. I fly and art direct shots that engage audiences. This is curb appeal in a whole extra dimension.

Aerial videography also provides the added benefit of magnificent still imagery to the overall presentation. Aerial video and imagery is not for every property on the market, but for some homes, it can really be a powerful selling tool and brand differentiator.
I make full 360 degree panorama images stitched together seamlessly from multiple high resolution individual photographs. Depending on client need I can showcase these wrap-around immersive experiences in a number of different ways. Having higher resolution master images gives me tremendous flexibility in presentation options.
With a full 360 degree master image, I can crop out unique sections in a virtually infinite range of possibilities. Because I use a tripod head designed specifically to film complete panorama images, I can also provide full motion video files at regular, slow motion or high speed depending on circumstance and need.

There are lots of talented hard-working photographers out there, so why choose me? What is my unique selling proposition or USP?
My background includes an MBA degree and I was an award-winning Creative Director working with dozens of Fortune 500 companies for years. My work has been featured in broadcast, online, stock and print media. I hold workshops as well as publish popular online video training courses.
Your challenge is to match buyers and sellers as quickly and seamlessly as possible. You provide value to that dynamic in many ways. I work hard to provide that same great value to you.
I use all my skills and experience, not only as a photographer, but as a business professional to help solve the many challenges you face. Your success is my success and the best reward I could ask for. I want to be the best partner you've ever worked with. I work within even the tightest deadlines and I'm more affordable than you think.